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Two Kinds of Change
When people are seeking change, it is often helpful to explain the two types of change we can expect: disruptive...
Ricky Giesbrecht
December 3, 2023
Contentment is being proud of that which does not inspire envy. -Ricky G
Ricky Giesbrecht
December 3, 2023
A-B-C's of Stress Management
Imagine a scenario: You are startled awake to a noise in your kitchen. You begin to wonder what it could be and...
Ricky Giesbrecht
December 3, 2023
Beliefs Matter
If we believe we matter based on certain conditions, we become subconsciously handcuffed to those conditions. When...
Ricky Giesbrecht
December 3, 2023
You Have Two "Selves"
The "Remembering Self" and The "Experiencing Self"
Ricky Giesbrecht
December 3, 2023
When it comes to making changes, people tend to focus on intensity when they should be focused on consistency.
Ricky Giesbrecht
December 3, 2023
More than communication, more than working hard, more than working together, more than being "compatible", more...
Ricky Giesbrecht
December 1, 2023
Overcoming Blame in Relationships
Blame does not teach responsibility, it teaches blame. I often see couples who engage in unhelpful forms of blaming...
Ricky Giesbrecht
December 1, 2023
Quotes from Pressfield’s “The War of Art”
Here is a small collection of insights gleaned from Steven Pressfield’s The War of Art: Break through the blocks...
Ricky Giesbrecht
December 1, 2023
Anger Management
Anger does not like to admit it’s a problem, it usually masquerades as a solution: taking charge, getting things...
Ricky Giesbrecht
November 30, 2023