“I’ve never seen any life transformation that didn’t begin with the person in question finally getting tired of their own bullshit.” -Elizabeth Gilbert

For most of us, the path to change isn’t some external force but an internal realization: we become fed up with our limitations. Whether it's feeling stuck, repeating unhealthy relationship dynamics, or making excuses for not pursuing our goals, there comes a time when the weight of our own "bullshit" becomes unbearable. Fortunately, this is often the wake-up call we need.

One aspect of this "bullshit" is the collection of stories we tell ourselves to stay comfortable—stories that justify why we haven’t moved forward and taken more ownership. These stories can sound like: “I don’t have the time,” “I’m not good enough,” “I’m too tired,” or “This is just how I am.” Gilbert reminds us that real transformation often begins when we see through these lies and stop giving ourselves permission to stay stuck.

When we finally get sick of repeating the same patterns, something remarkable happens. We shift from being passive participants in our own lives to taking an active role in shaping our future. It’s in this moment of honest self-assessment, however uncomfortable it may be, that the groundwork for transformation is laid. We begin to break the cycle of avoidance and step into a place of action, accountability, and authenticity.

Gilbert’s insight is liberating because it puts the power of change squarely in our hands. We don’t have to wait for a perfect moment, a crisis, or someone else to fix things for us. The moment we choose to stop tolerating our own nonsense is the moment real transformation begins.

Ricky Giesbrecht

Ricky Giesbrecht


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